Medi-Jobs-ID: 316-1URL: 
Stand der Anzeige: 01.03.2011

Stellenangebot: Clinic Manager

Clinic Manager
Logo von Nordisk Rebalance

Nordisk Rebalance
M.D. Madsensvej 14-16, 1.
4350 Allerød

Einsatzort: Berlin

Alle Stellenangebote dieses Unternehmens auf Medi-Jobs
Jobart / Arbeitszeit:
Anstellung in Vollzeit
An average basic salary combined with a very attractive bonus scheme.
Mögl. Eintrittsdatum:
ab sofort
We seek a physician as manager of a German ulcerative colitis clinic with a new treatment concept.

The manager will participate in the establishment of the new clinic and subsequently be in charge of the daily management of the clinic. The location of the clinic has not yet been decided. It will to a large extent depend on the priorities of the manager. The manager will get a rare opportunity to form his own job.

The clinic will not be engaged in medical examination and diagnosing of patients. The clinic will treat patients already having a reliable ulcerative colitis diagnosis only. The patients shall continue any ongoing medical treatment prescribed by other physicians and may only regulate that with the consent of the physicians in charge of the medical treatments in question.

Consultations and patient communication will primarily be conducted by nurses. The clinic manager’s main task in relation to the treatment of patients will be to ensure the quality of the nurses’ work. This will particularly consist of implementing the new treatment concept in the clinic along with supervision of the nurses’ work.

The new treatment concept is to be scientifically tested on Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome. The manager of the German ulcerative colitis clinic can expect to become involved in the clinical trials and the publication of the results.

The development of the new treatment concept has been supported by research and development grants from the Danish State.

The cornerstone of the new concept is the product Profermin®. It is internationally patented and trademark protected.

Profermin® is neither ordinary food nor medicine. Profermin® is a food for special medical purposes (diätetisches Lebensmittel für besondere medizinische Zwecke (bilanzierte Diät)). Profermin® is being notified to Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit according to the German Verordnung über diätetische Lebensmittel (Diätverordnung) as a food for special medical purposes, which can be marketed and sold in Germany “for dietary management for ulcerative colitis” (“zur Behandlung von colitis ulcerosa”).

In contrast to the common drugs for medical treatment of ulcerative colitis, Profermin® does not aim to weaken the immune system. Profermin® has no medical side-effects.

The new concept has shown good results in a 24 weeks clinical trial (CUPE1). The trial was conducted in collaboration with physicians at the Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre and the Statistics Section of the Technical University of Denmark, who has verified the authenticity of the resulting data and, furthermore, provided the statistical analysis of the results.

The results from CUPE1 were presented on UEGW 2010 - United European Gastroenterology Week 2010 - in Barcelona. In that context an abstract has been published in Gut 2010; 59 (Suppl. III) A299.

The Profermin® dietary management is supported by a specially developed, Internet-based symptoms registration and dialogue system, which allows a daily registration of the patients' symptoms and efficient supervision of and communication with the patients. The patients thereby take active part in their own treatment, and that ensures a high degree of compliance. Due to the system the patients do not need to physically turn up in the clinic. It is thus possible to treat patients from all over Germany in an entirely responsible way from just one German clinic. Experience shows that the patients are very satisfied with the Internet-based system and the close contact to the nurse/doctor facilitated by the system.

The tasks of the manager will in particular be:

• Participation in the establishment of the clinic.
• Daily management of the clinic including supervision of the nurses and public relations.
• Discussions with the DCCV patient association and health insurance companies.
• Participation in the planning and running of clinical trials on the efficacy of the treatment concept in relation to treatment of Morbus Crohn and colon irritable (IBS).

For further information about the new treatment concept and the clinical trials please contact managing director Ph.D. Hans Israelsen,, + 45 4810 7000.
Anforderungen an den Bewerber bzw. erforderliche Qualifikation:
You must be able to speak and write German and English. Experience with treatment of ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome and with scientific work will be appreciated but is not a requirement. You must be business minded and willing to market the clinic in a professionally, scientifically and legally correct way.

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Informationen zur Bewerbung:
Vice president Ph.D. Björn von Ryberg
Nordisk Rebalance A/S, M.D. Madsensvej 14-16, DK-3450 Alleröd, Dänemark
+45 4810 7000
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